Housekeeping Room Assignments

The Housekeeping Room Assignments command allows you to assign the rooms within your property to specific housekeepers for cleaning, and to print out these assignments to give to your Housekeepers. You may also print out a master list of all the assigned rooms, and to whom they were assigned. Once rooms have been assigned they will also appear on the Housekeepers Dashboard (an interactive display for your housekeeper's use).



When accessed the Housekeeping Room Assignments screen will open.

Housekeeping Room Assignments screen example

The display is split into two frames, with the left side of the screen showing the list of (active) housekeepers at your property, with all of the rooms assigned to a selected housekeeper accessible in the display via expanding the housekeeper's name (by clicking), and the right showing all the rooms that have yet to be assigned to any particular housekeeper, with various filter options available. Default options will automatically be selected for you when entering the screen (occupied, vacant and dirty) to show the rooms of this type in a list form for selection, but these may be changed as you wish.

Housekeeper names (and their assigned sections) will be shown in black, meaning no rooms have yet been assigned to them, blue if rooms have been assigned, and red to indicate that the housekeeper entry in question has been expanded for display purposes. When you first enter the Housekeeping Room Assignments screen, it is most likely that no rooms will have been assigned, meaning all the names will be shown in black.

Housekeeper name list, all black (no rooms assigned) example

Once rooms have been assigned, the housekeeper's name will become blue, and brief details (the number of rooms and the credits those rooms are worth) will appear next to the name.

Housekeeper name list, with rooms assigned to names in blue example

Details of the assigned rooms may be viewed by expanding the housekeepers name. Any line that may be expanded is shown by the presence of a plus sign (+) to the left of it on the screen. Click anywhere on the line to expand the entry and view the room details. The expanded housekeeper's name will be shown in red, to make it clear which entry is currently selected, and the plus sign next to the name will become a minus sign (-) indicating that the expansion may be collapsed back into one line if wished.

Housekeeper name list, several with rooms assigned and showing a name expanded example

Multiple entries may be expanded at one time. Clicking on a different entry to expand it will NOT automatically close the first one. However only one housekeeper at any time can be SELECTED, and therefore only one housekeeper at a time will be shown in red.

Housekeeper name list, showing multiple name expanded but only one selected (in red) example


When first entering the Housekeeping Room Assignments screen, ALL housekeepers entered into Skyware will be displayed on the left. Your FIRST action on reaching the screen should be to select the housekeepers you wish to assign rooms to today.



The Housekeeping Room Assignments screen shows all the rooms that have yet to be assigned to any particular housekeeper on the right hand side, in list form, with various filter options available.

Unassigned rooms section (right side) of Housekeepers Room Assignment screen example

Default options will automatically be selected for you when entering the screen (occupied, vacant and dirty) to show only the rooms fulfilling these criteria, in a list form for your room assignment purposes, but these may be changed as you wish.



The list of rooms displayed contains details of the rooms, including the building and floor the room is in, room number and room type, the room status, condition, the number of credits assigned to the room for cleaning purposes, if there is an expected departure or imminent arrival, and if the room requires new sheets (this column is viewable by scrolling the unassigned room list to the right). Every room in the unassigned rooms list will have a selection check box to the left. This will be by default unchecked.


You will assign rooms from the pool of unassigned rooms on the right side of the Housekeeping Room Assignments screen to the housekeepers on the left. This may be done in two ways - firstly, by individually assigning selected rooms to selected housekeepers, by selecting first the housekeeper on the left, then the rooms on the right, and using the Assign to Selected Housekeeper button in the unassigned rooms section; or secondly by automatically assigning rooms, by selecting all the rooms that will need housekeeping on the right, then using the Auto Assign Selected Rooms button to have the rooms assigned to housekeepers one after the other up to the maximum number of credits per housekeeper, with the housekeepers in the list on the left being assigned rooms in descending order.

Assigning a room to a housekeeper will remove the selected room from the list of unassigned rooms.





Once you are happy with the list of assigned rooms for your Housekeeper, you can print the assignments. Assigned rooms will also automatically appear on the interactive Housekeepers Dashboard screen, once the housekeeper has logged in.



Date Updated March 13, 2024